Post news, Two graphic design books and Future projects.

A new update!

(This isn't going to be a huge update but some things need to be said)

Post news

I have two new posts coming very soon detailing my two latest projects. The first will be about my most recent project I finished, my newest voxel art. It's going to be structured a bit differently than usual just because I will be showing off my process in a bit more detail. The second will be my biggest project, the website concept. This post has been put off because I haven't decided how to make the post work. Since it's such a vast project and it's still being currently worked on, it won't be the only post I'll make about it. Since I've been working on it before I made the blog, I'll need to talk about all the stuff I've made up to this point. It would be a safe bet to say that the voxel art post will be coming this week or next week. Regarding the website concept post, I don't really know yet.

Two graphic design books

I recently requested two graphic design books to be bought by my local library. They just bought them yesterday and I just picked them up today. These are "How to be a graphic designer without losing your soul" by Adrian Shaughnessy and "How to use graphic design to sell things, make things look better, make people laugh, make people cry, and (every once and a while) change the world" by Michael Bierut (huge titles, I know). I've only flipped through the second book and have only gotten through the introduction to the first one so no review just yet.

Future projects

I just wanted to give a updated look into my future projects.

So, I've completed all the projects that I'm obliged to undertake but one at this point. The only one left is (you probably guessed it) the website concept. This gives me some new opportunities to consider making some different things. At this point though, I'm going to finish the concept before I move on to anything else. That way I can focus all my attention on the concept, not letting anything get in my way. This is also for another reason. I want a clean slate moving into the summer. This is because I want to try and focus on honing my drawing skill. After that, I'm hoping to move on to learning more graphic design skills and working on the new soccer logos. And after all of that, I'm presumably going to move on to something I haven't really talked about on this blog. 3D modeling.

Bye for now,


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