
Showing posts from February, 2018

Logos - CC logo for friend

This is the logo that got me into graphic design (And it's my favorite I've designed so far) These are the first designs I made And this is the final design The process - The first designs First logo : I don't recall how I came up with this design, but it kinda looks like the Comedy Central logo but with the outside C flipped. Consensus - Best out of them all, might use for some other project sometime. Second logo : This was supposed to look like it's written code since it always starts with a forward slash. Consensus - Second best, not that desirable. Third logo : This was designed more like a sport logo with the hanging C and such. Consensus - It looks really bad. Fourth logo : What even is that? Consensus - What was I thinking? Fifth logo : ... Consensus - Umm... I like the colors? The process - Final design After my friend told me he didn't like any of the designs, I took a day off. An idea came into my head to make the ...

Affinity designer, Drawing tablet and Seven days of programs

So a bit of a different post.  This one is going to be an update. Affinity Designer I've considered getting a more extensive graphics software for a while now but hadn't found anything cheaper than an arm and a leg. But recently I came across this cool software called Affinity Designer  that seemed like a good option. The great thing about this software is that it's a one time purchase of $50. This seemed a lot better in terms of "you get what you pay for" and, by reading some reviews, this made me a lot more interested. I would probably use this in conjunction with my current software, Sketch . And I know what you might be thinking, Sketch does seem to cost a lot of money. What's nice is that I obtained a license before they started making you pay for updates. So, I just haven't paid for an update. Anyway, the point is that Affinity Designer is more involved with making logos and drawing, where as Sketch is used for more website and app concept...

Voxel Art - Rand 3D

This is my first pixel to voxel art (Trying to make 2D pixel art into 3D voxel art is hard) This is a rendition of my old 2D Rand A nice top left side view to show the 3D A bottom left view to show that he's hollow This is trying to show what Rand looks like in light (and that awesome glowing eye) This is the best in light Rand photo I have The process This took me about 4-6 hours to make, and another 30 minutes to render all the images. The process was simple in thought, but hard in practice. Trying to make it look like the pixel art came first was pretty hard to say the least. I had to match up all the voxels in a way so that when you looked at Rand from the front, it would mirror the pixel art perfectly. It turned out really well in the end and that's all I wanted. Overview Overall, I really like what I was able to do. Learning how to use effects made these photos ten times better than if it was just plain voxels. My takeaway ...

Pixel Art - Rand

This is one of my first pixel art drawings (And the first one to be made 3D) This is the original This one is animated And this is the revised version that I didn't like as much as the others The process I was trying to think of some things to make into pixel art when I thought of Rand. I'm not good at making sprites yet so I thought I would just make a head. The whole skull with a flaming eye came from the idea of Ghost Rider . I had thought of making the head of the skull the thing on fire, but that seemed a tad bit unoriginal and overused. I know you could argue that a skull with a flaming eye is also overused, but I thought it was more original at the time. The color scheme was just based off of my favorite color duo (red and purple). Overview I think this is a pretty good first attempt at making a character head and definitely a great attempt at an animation. My takeaway I learned how to animate with Piskel (the pr...