Affinity designer, Drawing tablet and Seven days of programs

So a bit of a different post. 

This one is going to be an update.

Affinity Designer

I've considered getting a more extensive graphics software for a while now but hadn't found anything cheaper than an arm and a leg. But recently I came across this cool software called Affinity Designer that seemed like a good option. The great thing about this software is that it's a one time purchase of $50. This seemed a lot better in terms of "you get what you pay for" and, by reading some reviews, this made me a lot more interested. I would probably use this in conjunction with my current software, Sketch. And I know what you might be thinking, Sketch does seem to cost a lot of money. What's nice is that I obtained a license before they started making you pay for updates. So, I just haven't paid for an update. Anyway, the point is that Affinity Designer is more involved with making logos and drawing, where as Sketch is used for more website and app concepts. Overall, I'm planing on doing a bit of a test and will post about it soon.

Drawing tablet

I just gained an old Wacom tablet for free from a friend who doesn't use it anymore. This came with a catch. He broke his pen a couple of years ago. This is why I got it for free since It's unusable without a pen. So, I decided to use some money to get a new pen instead of buying a brand-new tablet. Once I get more into drawing, I'll probably get a new tablet that has more space to draw on, but that won't happen in the immediate future.

EDIT: This tablet turned out to be a Intous 4 medium.  This means I probably won't get a new drawing tablet until (I hope) I get good and want a tablet with a screen.

Seven days of programs

My programming friend just gave me something new to work on. Don't worry, this isn't going to hinder the website concept so no need to be afraid. His idea is to launch a new program on his current website for a week straight. He asked me to make an icon for each of them. This complete project will be it's own post that will demonstrate it in more detail so be on the lookout. I also want to mention that it will be on the week of February 18th.

That's all the news I have for today.

Bye for now,


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