Pixel Art - Rand

This is one of my first pixel art drawings

(And the first one to be made 3D)

This is the original

This one is animated

And this is the revised version that I didn't like as much as the others

The process

I was trying to think of some things to make into pixel art when I thought of Rand.

I'm not good at making sprites yet so I thought I would just make a head. The whole skull with a flaming eye came from the idea of Ghost Rider. I had thought of making the head of the skull the thing on fire, but that seemed a tad bit unoriginal and overused. I know you could argue that a skull with a flaming eye is also overused, but I thought it was more original at the time.

The color scheme was just based off of my favorite color duo (red and purple).


I think this is a pretty good first attempt at making a character head and definitely a great attempt at an animation.

My takeaway

I learned how to animate with Piskel (the program I use for pixel art) and I've gained a bit more insight into making pixel art.

Bye for now,


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