Pixel Art - Dark Witch

This is my first attempt at animating a sprite

(I watched a video that inspired me)

This is the idle animation

This is the walking animation

And finally, this is the attacking animation

The process

After watching a youtube video about animating game sprites, I was inspired to try it out myself. It was a bit hard to figure out how to make everything consistent and fluid. The way I made it work was to make a layer behind the robe that was a rough skeleton of the witch. After animating the skeleton, I animated the robe to fit the movements. This worked really well and made everything consistent and not look like it was breaking some bones in the process.


This is my best sprite I've made so far and was so much fun to make. I'm so glad I tried to make a sprite animation. This has definitely honed my overall skill with animation, but I still need to work on the sprites themselves. Overall I'm super happy with the animations, but the sprite could use some work.

My takeaway

Making a skeleton is really helpful in keeping everything consistent and fluid.

Bye for now,


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